Mindful Flow Vinyasa

My vinyasa classes tend to be a more mindful style of vinyasa - my aim is not to teach you handstand or jump throughs (even though those can be fun) but the main thing I would like you to gain from practicing with me is to learn how to come back to yourself after a stressful day & help you find peace & space within which helps to make everything manageable again. To do this we move a little slower in the practice and we bring the focus to our presence and breath rather than how far we can push ourselves into each pose. . Don’t be fooled by slowness - moving slower and more consciously can actually be much harder than doing 100 vinyasas quickly, so this class will still be challenging at points but Lisa loves to balance the strength of the class with a sense of softness too.

I focus on simpler poses done with full engagement, breath & presence, preferring to teach healthy, functional movement and lots of circular, opening movements as opposed to extreme backbends or arm balances.

To me, the practice is a tool to create space & stability in the body, the mind and the breath.

. ALL levels welcome as long as you have a reasonable level of fitness. 


This class will explore the individual postures in more detail, as we will be challenged to hold the poses for longer. During this class I invite you to take some time for yourself: to move your body and start to connect to the breath, using the breath to calm the mind and the body, and to help you glow. Our focus will be directed to our presence & breath in the pose, and not how deep we can go in the pose. We take time to make space in this busy world we live in. There is a 5-10 minute relaxation at the end of class. This is a great class for anybody new to yoga, but all levels are welcome.

Flow & Restore Class

This class begins with flowing, breath-led movement to warm our bodies up (similar to the vinyasa description above), create some freedom and space and will then lead into a more restful, restorative and supported poses. We can hold the restorative poses for between 3-10 minutes and in that time we focus on the breath and slowly allowing our bodies to release deep tension in our tissues and just be held by our props. It is a wonderfully balanced practice of movement, and stillness.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a passive, slow paced style of yoga holding postures for between 3-5 minutes, it targets the deep connective tissues as opposed to the superficial muscles targeted in dynamic yoga. Yin is the process of letting go, it helps to increase flexibility and also calm & quieten the mind. It is a great practice to counterbalance the heat-building, strengthening aspects of any more dynamic activities, not just yoga, but also running, swimming and many more. It is extremely beneficial for injury prevention and joint health. All levels welcome.

All classes incorporate breathing techniques & alignment, and aim to draw attention to the philosophy of yoga, as well as the beauty and benefits of asana. Regardless of your level of experience - beginner to advanced, my classes make you feel like you have worked out tension, removed stress, & leave you with the peaceful yoga vibe.